DoWell Legalzard

Legalzard likely provides a database or repository of various software licenses commonly used in the software development community. These licenses include open-source licenses like MIT, Apache, GNU GPL, etc. For each license, the product provides detailed information, such as the text version of the license, its category (e.g., permissive, copyleft, reciprocal), and other essential details.

Legalzard offer templates or a policy generator to create these essential legal documents, which may include: Software License Policy, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions (T&C), etc.

What legalzard can do?

License Information

Policy Generation

License Compatibility Check

Use case scenarios

Policy Generation on the Fly

Vendor Evaluation Anywhere, Anytime

Project Planning and Implementation

License Risk Assessment

Dowell Legalzard Features

Empowering Software Development with a Seamless Fusion of Legal Precision

License Database

Curate a comprehensive repository of software licenses, including open-source ones like MIT, Apache, GNU GPL. Provide detailed information, versioning, and compatibility details for each license to ensure accuracy and compliance.

Policy Generator

Generate customizable Software License Policies, Privacy Policies, and Terms and Conditions. Ensure alignment with chosen licenses, offer step-by-step guidance, and ensure legal soundness. Simplify the document creation process.

Document Management

The platform provides a centralized repository for securely storing and managing generated legal documents. Users benefit from version control features, allowing them to track changes and maintain compliance.

Search and Filter

Design an intuitive interface for easy Allow easy searching and filtering of licenses based on categories, compatibility, or other criteria to facilitate quick access.

Policy Generator

Provide collaboration spaces, comments, and annotations for multiple users within an organization to facilitate collaborative document creation and editing.

Education and Resources

Establish a comprehensive knowledge base and regularly update users on legal changes impacting their documents, providing essential education and resources.

How to Use Legalzard